Dr. Gabriel Encinas

Dr. Gabriel Encinas

Dr. Gabriel Encinas

Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow (Postdoc) 2023-2025

Research project entitled „Interlegal Reasoning and Interlegal Balancing“

Gabriel Encinas is an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jan Sieckmann, at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. He holds a PhD in Human Rights and Global Politics from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy), an LLM in Legal Theory from Goethe University (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), and a law degree from Autonomous University of Baja California (Ensenada, Mexico). He has taught courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels in different universities. He is a member of the Mexican National Researchers System (SNI Conahcyt) since November 2022.

Gabriel Encinas’ research interests lie at the intersection of legal theory and law beyond the state. His current research regards the implications of legal pluralism and “interlegality” (Palombella, Klabbers) in legal reasoning, particularly regarding the distinctive characteristics of “hard cases” and balancing in such contexts.

Gabriel has authored academic contributions in scientific journals and collective volumes. Recent publications include: “The Idea of ‘Interlegal Balancing’ in Multilevel Settings” (in M. Sahadžić, M.  Kos, J. Kukavica, J. Gašperin Wischhoff, J. Scholtes (eds.), Accommodating Diversity in Multilevel Constitutional Orders: Legal Mechanisms of Divergence and Convergence, Routledge, 2023), “Algunas implicaciones del pluralismo ético en lo jurídico: Entre la ‘abstinencia epistémica’ y ‘cultura de la justificación’” (in J. A. Martínez Gómez, A. F. Carrillo Salgado and J. C. Muñoz Mendiola (eds.), Racionalidad, argumentación jurídica e interpretación en el Estado constitucional de derecho, Tirant lo Blanch, 2023), “Interlegalità e proporzionalità” (in G. Palombella, E. Chiti, A. di Martino, (eds.), L’era dell’interlegalità, Il Mulino, 2022), “Interlegal Balancing: A Concept, Two Contexts, Some Circumstances” (in Rivista Italiana di Filosofía del Diritto XI 1/2022, pp. 75-90), and “La teoría Alexiana de los principios y dos concepciones de la democracia” (in Doxa: Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho, (44), pp. 377-407).

Gabriel Encinas – CV (Eng 2023-08-04)